Dear Framily,

I am very pleased to reveal to you the front cover of my upcoming book, BLACK WOMAN GROWN: A CHILDish Continuation.

This collection of autobiographical short stories, essays, poetry and even a play that all follow the theme of how Kisha—that young black girl from CHILDish grew to become the Black woman I am today-KishaLynn. Both fans of CHILDish and new readers who join my journey here first will enjoy my raw, emotional, and at times, hilarious tales of navigating college and the transition to early adulthood. My goal is that every reader will see themselves in my stories, and receive the healing that I’m sharing in publishing them. 

Black Woman Grown is slated for release in June 2023. Yep! DAYS AWAY! My team and I are working very hard to get this next set of stories out into the world and into YOUR HANDS!

Several beloveds have already asked how to preorder books. *pants heavily from the exhausting work to finish writing the book and move it forward to editing*

To respond to those requests, this page provides instructions below on how to get yourself first in line to receive an author-signed copy of this digital or paperback versions when it is released in June. The audiobook will follow shortly after—I promise!!! 

Thank you times SEVEN MILLION for all the support. Thank you for your patience while I took five years to complete this project with quality and intention. Thank you for the love, the shares, the belief, the positive feedback. Thank you for being my framily. 

And thank you to Otim Oloya for this AMAZING book cover design, to Ghia Larkins for the breathtaking cover photo, and to Bill Weiss for the landing page design. 

The Biggest Love Ever,
